Our Hostel

Hostel Details:
- Our hostels are designed to be a home away from home. We have hygienic dormitories that we strive to keep to the utmost level of cleanliness. We provide sweepers and cleaners. We also have an open hostel day where students from different hostels go to other hostels and grade their tidiness and cleanliness. We also provide clean drinking water.
- The Hostels have strict rules and we focus on their study hours giving them a separate study hall and ample time to study throughout their stay. We also provide qualified and caring wardens who help the students during their short time with us.
- We encourage our students to also grow in Christ and we have regular prayer and worship time every day after dinner. Our Pastor congregational members and mission boards with its convenor frequently visits each hostels on different days to join their prayer and worship time.
- Our hostels and wardens are then further overseen by superintendent who makes sure that everything is run smoothly and according to time.
- We provide free tuition service and remedial classes to hostelites outside of class hours all days except Sunday. But we emphasise that tuition is not necessary if students pay attention in class.
Amenities & Facilities:
- Girls and boys have separate blocks and each block has a separate Junior and Senior hostel.
- Medical facility available with first aid/ provided to sick students
We have specific uniform rules both in class and in hostels. In order for everyone to be equal and present them equal .Our uniforms are practical, cost effective, good quality and fashionable. We have summer, winter, sports, hostel and day scholars’ uniform. Uniforms are provided at the time of admission.
In-room Amenities:
- One Bed per Student
- Individual lockable wardrobe for storage
- Study tables, Common Dressing Mirror
- Tube lights & LED, Dust Bin in each room
- Washrooms with Sanitary fittings
- RO water purifier, water cooler, a common room with TV.
- NMES has well-furnished spacious, separate residential facilities for boys and girls with modern amenities. The school has four well experienced Wardens and Trained Mentors to cater to the well-being of the students
Parents Visiting Hours (Students):
- Parents/ Guardians are allowed to visit the students few times a year. 2nd Saturdays throughout the year. Parents/ Guardians are allowed to come on that day between 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. During other times except for emergency parents are not allowed to visit their child/children.
- Only On being given permission by parents, guardians will be responsible and allowed to visit and take children out during holidays.
The students might sometimes fall ill and may need more than first aid treatment and during those times; they will be given sick leave. The wardens/ hostel administrator must immediately inform their parents/ guardian to attend/ evacuate the student to the hospital and look after him/her.
Complaints and Representations:
- Complaints if any, applications shall be made in writing address to the Warden and handed over to the hostel supervisor. Complaints will be resolved expeditiously by the Wardens/ Supervisors themselves. Advice and assistance of the supervisor will be taken when needed. For investigation of any of the complaints the Warden may call the concerned or hosteller to his/her office.
- Hostellers are not permitted to convene meeting of any sort in the Hostel premises without the prior permission of the Warden. Disobedience of this rule will be severely dealt with.
- The parents can contact The Supervisor, Warden are available round-the-clock on telephone and may be contacted in case of any emergency.
- Students proceeding on medical Leave from the campus should produce the Medical Certificate issued by the concerned specialist at the time of their leaving.
- Hostellers must obtain prior permission from the competent authority before proceeding on leave. Students are required to obtain the signature of the local guardian/parents on the leave return form and submit the same to the warden after their return
- Students are not to damage any property inside the residential premises. Any damage/ breakage of hostel property intentional/unintentional shall be borne by the concerned student/ group /block with fine/replacement. Such deviant behavior would also invite disciplinary sanctions.
Night Roll Call:
- All hostellers must remain in the hostel according to hostel timings.
- Attendance will be taken every day at 8:00 P.M. by the warden; the warden must ensure that the hostellers are personally present while taking attendance.
At NMES, we provide a range of well balanced, wholesome and nutritious meal. The school has two separate kitchens and dining halls catering to vegetarians and non-vegetarians
- Nutritious, hygienic and delicious vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is provided.
- Spacious dining area with adequate tables, chairs and RO filtered drinking water with a well maintained and hygienic kitchen
- We have two dining rooms, one for the little ones and one for the older ones.
Mess Timings:
The mess timings are as follows and the students should adhere to these timings:
- Breakfast : 6:3:0 AM to 7:00 AM
- Lunch : 11:30 PM to 12:10 PM
- Tea time : 3:00 PM to 3:30:PM
- Dinner : 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Mess Rules & Regulations:
- No unauthorized person is allowed to enter in the mess hall, prior permission must be obtained.
- The self-system of disposable will be followed in the mess. No food will be reserved for the late comers.
- Hostellers are expected to maintain proper decorum in the dining hall.
- Food will not be served outside the dining hall for students; however, in any case of illness, the student may be served food in their rooms with prior permission of the warden and mess in charge.
- Every student must treat the entire mess employee with courtesy.
- The on-campus teaching staffs are expected to dine in the mess hall along with the students to ensure that the meal provided to the students is graded and nutritious.
- Students are not permitted to enter the kitchen or store room of the mess on any account.
- Students are not permitted to cook any food on their own accord in the mess or in their rooms.
- Hostellers who are found violating the rules and regulations of hostel mess are liable to be expelled from the hostel.
- Hostellers shall be refrained from entering the dining hall without being appropriately dressed.
- Properties provided in the mess should not be removed or used elsewhere.
- Wastage of food is strictly prohibited
- During vacation the management reserves the right to stop the mess services temporarily.